Unity5 Web GL Build Size

Hi All

We have been looking into the WegGl distribution option and just published a simple “Hello World” test that weighs in at 126Mb! By the look of it the meat of that is the web.js file (100+Mb)… Does anyone know if is possible to re-use this one file between all our potential unity webgl games, or is it specific to just that one game?

Thinking about load times, player caching and how heavy our server could be hit- any suggestions of how to deliver this across multiple titles would be appreciated.


Afaik you can’t reuse that file.

There is an option (See Unity player setting for WebGL) to cache data on the user’s machine.

As for build sizes etc. check out Liortal’s presentation on their WebGL game http://forum.unity3d.com/threads/slides-from-our-talk-on-unity-and-webgl.319954/