Unity6 APV wrong baking result when using shadowmask or subtractive mixlight mode

Tested in unity6,looks like baked SH L2_3 data have some problem(found in renderdoc,which is quite different from L2_0.L2_1,L2_2) when we use shadowmask or subtractive mixlight mode.Wired behaviour get fixed when change to built in probe or change to bake indirect mixlight mode or just use L0L1 for APV.

The cube in the blur circle is using buggy APV result.Noticed that the scene use white light and the surrounding static cube is red.Thus the result should never be like this.

Captured in renderdoc,it is obvious that L2_3 texture is different from others.

Are you doing a bake (re-generate lighting) when switching to/from shadowmask or subtractive mode? If not, try doing that and see if you get a different result. When you use shadowmask or subtractive mode, APV bakes a bit of additional data representing occlusion to mixed lights.

Right.As I mentioned above,wired bake result happen on when I choose to use shadowmask or subtractive mode.Everything is fine when using bake indirect.I know shadowmask and subtractive mode will introduce addtional data like occlusion.But again,as i mentioned,the real wired result actually coming from L2,and more specificly,L2_3 probe data.(L0,L1,L2_0,L2_1,L2_2 are all correct except this one).BTW,the unity version I use is 6000.0.23f1.I try both GPU and CPU baking,and both have the same wired result.

Ah, my bad. I haven’t seen this issue before, so I’d suggest filing a bug report with your scene attached - looks like a fairly compact repro.

Are you using HDRP, per chance?

No,I am using URP.The wired baking result cannot be reproduced later(after i downloading the official APV demo scene,the kingdom one,it change quite a lot urp settting and it fail to reproduce the buggy baking this time).Looks like it is somehow related to the editor environment.The only change I make for the project is moving code of URP from library to package so that I can have better reading experience in VS.Except for that,everything is clean.It is an empty URP project started from stratch.I will file a bug with the scene if i find the buggy baking result again.

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