Unity6 Re-Compile forever!

Hi there!

I finally use Unity 6 because of the new project,
with new PC + new windows 11!
so I would like to make everything new!

and I working with Photon network and I was edit my scripts, my scripts are just a gameplay scripts, not Network or Photon script at all,
and then just waiting it to compile or load something,

But it seem to be forever! I don’t know what happen?
it load and reload again and again,
my PC is very high performance
with i9 + GTX4070 But why?

I think Unity 6 is not good as before, something are weird
and very bad to working with

That’s it.

Most likely you have some editor script that either calls recompile in a loop, or it modifies a script file and does so every time it’s being compiled.

To analyze this, you have two approach angles:

  • try to reproduce the issue in a new project and keep adding the assets you use until you find the issue
  • the reverse, eg copy the project and start removing things until the issue stops occuring

Almost certainly the issue is caused by something in the project.
Also antivirus and file/folder permission issues can cause such issues. Be sure to exclude the project from virus scan and have the project in a writable location like Documents.