I’ve installed Unity Ads via the Package Manager (3.4.9) and am trying to use the UNITY_ADS compiler directive as documented here…
But to no avail, it’s just not recognised. Am guessing it’s either a documentation or package issue?
I know I can define one myself, but having them built into the Unity sub-systems are very handy, so if it’s not been defined, please could it be added?
Unfortunately the UNITY_ADS compiler directive was removed in a recent version of the SDK.
Thanks Adam, any real reason why?
It was very useful and means one less thing for us devs to think about.
UNITY_ANALYTICS is still defined (and equally useful) so there is an inconsistency now.
Correct, I have had to add UNITY_ADS as “Scripting Define Symbols” in iOS and Android Player Settings for my own game.
That’s at least a workaround. We will bring back the feedback to dev team, thanks.
Thanks Rasmus.
FWIW… I have a framework that travels wholesale (and is improved on) game to game. It incorporates wrappers around a number of third party sub-systems, Unity included.
Most of these sub-systems have an in-built directive, which means the presence of the package means my framework will just compile (based on what’s been imported into the project)
Basically, they’re very useful! To be honest, it would be even better if all Unity’s sub-systems included one. e.g. UNITY_REMOTE_CONFIG
Hope this helps.
I don’t see any mention of this in the changelog