unityads initialization problem

Hi !
But we have a problem, who during the first step.
http://unityads.unity3d.com/help/Documentation for Publishers/Integration-Guide-for-Unity-Asset-Store
I have run in to from this site.

On the Unity editor initialization well was also well be the debug log window displays, advertising has become a functioning normally.

But when I run on my smartphone “Galaxy Note3” After this twisted logic built into the Android game, is strangely works.
Start and stop the camera is not to move the camera moving.

My code is

void Start()
      //unityads initialize
        if (Advertisement.isSupported)
            Advertisement.allowPrecache = true;
            Advertisement.Initialize("MyID", true);
            Debug.Log("This Devices not supported");

        // show
        if (Advertisement.isReady("pictureZone"))
            Advertisement.Show("pictureZone", new ShowOptions
                pause = true,
                resultCallback = result =>
                    if (result == ShowResult.Finished)
                        PlayerStatus.Gold += 10;

Advertisement.Initialize(“My ID”, true);

“My ID” has had well here insert GameID, test Mode → true

So I think I put a call occurs, the code in the Start-up settings to Invoke the function this time the game is good, but there was no response.

APK is not yet set the details were not released because I want to know what its like.

Thank you for reading this far.


Your script looks missing. I wonder if there is a compilation error? You are using an if statement out of a function.

Here is the link to integration, sample code by unity officials.
If it not helps, share…


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Wow thank you so much for all your help.

Create a new scene based on existing know who I tried to walk with the same link test results came out, “Oh, this is the problem, not the problem of the script to me,” I thought.

So I re-built by the import unityads package from the Asset Store is great.

Thank you very much. ^ 0 ^

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You might also find this post helpful. It goes into a bit more depth concerning Picture Ads, initialization with test mode, and how to show an advertisement when your application starts.

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