I setup a project in UBA well over a year ago now and initially it was called “ProjectA” but at some point was changed to “ProjectB” (the local Unity project was also changed at the same time)
I’ve noticed recently that a third party tool is extracting values from “UnityCloudBuildManifest.json” (which I understand UBA injects into the built package) and is using them for various purposes. The trouble is the JSON is still reporting “ProjectA” (or [username]/[projectname] to be exact) rather than “ProjectB”
I’ve looked at the UBA configuration (and the Unity project) and can find no references to “ProjectA” anymore, so I’m wondering where UBA is picking this up from? It appears to be a hidden setting\value that once set, isn’t possible to be changed (as it’s not surfaced anywhere)
Is anyone from Unity able to help with this please?
Let me take a look into this and see where it is coming from.
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Wow! That was fast
Thanks @Benjamin-Gooding
Further to the above, I haven’t extracted\inspected the JSON file myself, but looking at the third party source that is where it’s deriving the value from.
I did look at the online docs on that file and it does correlate with my findings, but beyond that I couldn’t find any info on how it’s generated by UBA.
Is it the “projectId” field that is is the issue?
It looks like this field is coming from another system at Unity where all of the central org/project details are maintained. When a project is re-named they may not be updating the field we are using. I’ll pass this post along with some details over to that team. With it being the holidays and a large number of folks out I don’t expect to hear back for a bit.
Edit: In the meantime, I believe you can just use a pre-build shell script to modify the contents of the manifest json file before the build run.
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Thanks @Benjamin-Gooding
Really appreciate the fast response & feedback, thank you
The project id is currently only for logging purposes, although the intention is to use it for other purposes in the new year (so not at all urgent)
Sounds like there will need to be some back and forth that isn’t the best across the forums. If you can open up a support ticket then we can go back and forth through that system rather than the forums (and it will better help us track any development work needed).
As a follow-up for anyone that finds this.
The projectID that appears in the Cloud Build Manifest comes from fields stored in another system at Unity. When a project is first created the id of the project is set to the name of the project. So for example I am in prototyping so the project name I created is “Project XYZ”. The id of that project would show up as “projectxyz”. When we decide on a final project name I rename the project to “Space Slug 3000”. After renaming the project the id is not updated in the other system and remains “projectxyz”
The Build Automation team is discussing the ramifications of switching to use the organization id and project guid that you see when browsing the cloud dashboard.
Regardless of the decision the Build Automation team makes, we will be adding two new fields to the manifest; orgName and projectName. These will represent the name of the organization and project at the time the build is executed. You can expect to see these in the manifest files in a few weeks once the changes land in production.
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Thanks @Benjamin-Gooding
I’ve been conversing with support on this ticket via mail. Not sure if the info was of any use, but it might be worth a read if you haven’t seen it.
Whatever fields you decide on, writing the latest values at the point of build is a much simpler\better approach imho.
Thanks for the update.
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