UnityEditor.HostView:OnGUI() Warnings!!

Updated macbookpro to El Capitan
Downloaded Unity 5.2.2f1 and installed it
Copied my project files from my desktop computer so I can do a Iphone port.

When I build the project I get…
Unknown file extension: .dat

Unknown file extension: .ini

Unknown file extension: NOTHING HERE

Unknown file extension: .aspx

Unknown file extension: .config

Unknown file extension: .map

Unknown file extension: .browser

Unknown file extension: .xml

I have searched through the net and here but can’t seem to locate anything on this.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!!

YellzBellz Online Games, Programming and More!


Well, changing the scripting backend to Mono2x, stopped all these warnings from happening. Even though I only listed 8 of them, there were over 20 of these warnings. Running the project through Xcode I was also getting over 200 warnings. Switching to Mono2x as the scripting backend also stopped all these warnings in Xcode.

But still, using either IL2CPP or Mono2x as the scripting backend, I get a critical error when trying to contact my server database. Now that I switched to Mono2x, it actually caused the game to freeze. If I cant figure that one out, I will post a new question.


YellzBellz Online Games, Programming and More!