I like the TreeView component. Is it possible to use it in games? I guess the UnityEditor DLL is not available in games?
And all my GUI is generated by C# programs, which makes localization and automatic scaling etc. easier, so I’m using the old GUI.* methods, like GUI.Box and GUI.Label. Will this be supported by Unity for longer, now that there are one new UI framework, and one upcoming even newer UI framework? Would be nice if the TreeView component could be used in the OnGUI methods in my game as well.
UnityEditor namespace is indeed not useable in builds. There is also very little chance of IMGUI being expanded. It’s more likely to disappear entirely. As you said Unity already has two newer UI frameworks.
Ok, is there something in the Asset store that I can use? I searched a bit and there are some tree views, but I couldn’t find anything where you can edit number in the tree view.
If you find a good one let me know! What do you mean by editing number in the tree view? I can’t imagine any tree view asset wouldn’t allow you to change the number of elements in the view.
I have a JSON file like this:
“random_seed”: 10.2,
“rain”: {
“offsetX”: 500.2,
“offsetY”: 300,
and I would just like to display it like the TreeView editor: a 2 column table, first column the tree where you can expand nodes, and second column the value (for leafs). Would be nice with 2 different row colors or some grid so that it is easier to see which value belongs to which entry.