Opening a newly created Unity 2019.3.0b11 project in Unity 2020.1.0a11 displays the following warning:
Assembly for Assembly Definition File 'Packages/com.unity.ugui/Tests/Runtime/UnityEngine.UI.Tests.asmdef' will not be compiled, because it has no scripts associated with it.
UnityEditor.Scripting.ScriptCompilation.EditorCompilationInterface:TickCompilationPipeline(EditorScriptCompilationOptions, BuildTargetGroup, BuildTarget, String[])
I think it’s a bug fixed in 2020.1.0a16: “Scripting: Fixed issue where reimport writes “Assembly for asmdef File will not be compiled, because it has no scripts associated with it”. (1185386)”
However, the issue is also present in 2019.2 and 2020.1 has no release date, and at the same time, 1185386 is not searchable, so how can I verify that it has been fixed in 2019.4 (LTS)?
Assembly for Assembly Definition File ‘Packages/com.unity.2d.animation/Tests/Editor/Unity.2D.Animation.EditorTests.asmdef’ will not be compiled, because it has no scripts associated with it.
Just opened up a new empty project in 2019.4.26f and have this error.
Assembly for Assembly Definition File ‘Packages/com.unity.textmeshpro/Tests/Runtime/Unity.TextMeshPro.Tests.asmdef’ will not be compiled, because it has no scripts associated with it.
UnityEditor.Scripting.ScriptCompilation.EditorCompilationInterface:TickCompilationPipeline (UnityEditor.Scripting.ScriptCompilation.EditorScriptCompilationOptions,UnityEditor.BuildTargetGroup,UnityEditor.BuildTarget)
Szia Áron, üdvözlet a Unity fórumokon. Ez a fórum csak angol, kérlek angolul posztolj. Ha problémád van az angol nyelvvel, használhatsz Google Fordítót, ha nem is pontos, a legtöbb ember meg fogja érteni. Plusz, kérlek ne írj off-topic, nyugodtan nyiss magadnak új threadet. Kiváltképp a béta topikban ne, a General Discussion való a kötetlenebb csevegésre.
(translation: Hi Aron, welcome to the Unity forums. This forum is English-only, please only post in English. If you have difficulties with the language use Google Translate, even if it’s not accurate, most people will understand. Plus, please do not go off-topic, feel free to open your own thread. Especially not in the beta topic, the General Discussion is for the more off-topic discussion.)
Assembly for Assembly Definition File ‘Packages/com.jimmycushnie.noisynodes/NoisyNodes.asmdef’ will not be compiled, because it has no scripts associated with it.
Happens in Unity 2020.3.17f1 LTS and Unity 2020.3.16f1 LTS. (May not have been an issue back in Unity 2020.3.15f2, or I may not have added the noisy nodes package to my project yet. I don’t remember which.)
I have to say, it’s particularly troubling to see a deal-breaker like this in LTS.
This bug is back. It happened to me on HDRP, 2020.3.26F1. Showed up after dragging and dropping (which I do all the time with no issues) a folder with scripts that contained assembly definitions.
I recreated the project (luckily it was new and mostly empty) and the problem didn’t show up this time around.