UnityEvent as a serialized property

I have a field of a GameObject that is a concretized subclass of UnityEvent.

I am trying to write a property drawer for that concretized subclass.

But UnityEventBase does not seem to be a child class of Object so using property.objectReferenceValue does not return anything that I can cast to my sub-class.

How does one get the deserailized property where such a property is a subclass of UnityEvent?

Here’s a workaround that lets you access the proper UnityEvent object instead of just the serialized data

	public UnityEvent GetUnityEvent(object obj, string fieldName){
		if( obj != null ) {
			FieldInfo fi = obj.GetType().GetField(fieldName);
			if( fi != null ) {
				return fi.GetValue(obj) as UnityEvent;
		return null;

The answer from Unity support is thus:

UnityEvent is a “normal” class, you
should be able to use
SerializedProperty.Next() to drill
down into its data but not

SO, I guess we have to use the SerializedProperty sub-property parsing function to get at the data.