UnityException: Build Target "WebGL" not supported

I’m new with Unity and I’m trying to complete the tutorial of the LEGO microgame. The step is to build and publish the game, but when I click on button “Build and publish”, after about 1 minute the waitbar disappears and I noticed that on bottom appears (in red) the message:

UnityException: Build Target “WebGL” not supported

I installed the version of Unity 2020.3.21f1 LTS and I added the module WebGL build support (that is also the only module I have with the documentation one).
How can I solve this problem?
I need to install some other module?

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I tried to reboot the pc and it worked.
Probably after installing the module you have to reboot the pc.


I had the same problem, thanks marcocod

this worked for me!

Thanks for sharing. I’ve been having the same problem.

Closing the project and in terminal writting “sudo apt-get upgrade” then “sudo apt-get update” and relaunching the project fixed the problem for me.

Bonjour je suis nouveau sur unity et je suis entrain de finir mon didacticiel sur le FPS game et pour la parie publication je remarque une erreur

UnityException : la cible de génération “WebGL” n’est pas prise en charge

Try to turn off the project and open again it worked for me

It works. Thank you.

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