UnityFramework-Swift.h not found

I recently updated Facebook SDK version to 17.0.1 and now FBUnitySDKDelegate.h file depends on UnityFramework/UnityFramework-Swift.h:

error: ‘UnityFramework/UnityFramework-Swift.h’ file not found

I actually don’t know how to attach this file to the project. I see at the builded iOS client folder there is UnityFramework folder with UnityFramework.hh, but how it should start contains UnityFramework-Swift.h is mysteries for me right now, so my question is how to attach this dependency?

Does this file exist in Xcode project anywhere?
This isn’t Unity file, must be created by Facebook SDK, given that it uses it.

Does this file exist in Xcode project anywhere?

No, I can’t find it in the project and not in Facebook source files.

This isn’t Unity file, must be created by Facebook SDK

Can’t see any calls to build or install this file :thinking:

Hi, this UnityFramework-Swift.h file is a bridging header normally created by the Xcode itself, when there is Swift and Objective-C files added to the same target. I will look in to this to better understand why it might not have been added.

Additionaly I want to mention that our project had different structure from Facebook SDK integration example. Example has FBUnitySDKDelegate.h and folder Swift at the same place:

But we had it divided:

Then I removed Switch folder at all, because there were another error with version extracting:
swift-file-errors.txt (92.5 KB)
Maybe absence of Swift folder at the right place is the reason why it couldn’t builded properly?

Maybe absence of Swift folder at the right place is the reason why it couldn’t builded properly?

Most likely this is the reason. Swift files should endup in Xcode project together with the FBUnitySDKDelegate.h file. It would be best that the plugin files endup in the places where it was intended by plugin developer, otherwise it can cause strange errors.

It seems, that you removed Swift files, but by the import of UnityFramework/UnityFramework-Swift.h it looks like they are needed.

It would be best that the plugin filse endup in the places where it was intended by plugin developer

Agree, I’ve already moved Swift files back into correct folder and launched new build. Will come back with results in next 5-7 hours

Now there is a bunch of errors with swift. They are related to updated Big Fish Game SDK, which was updated with Facebook. But nothing changed in structure of file bfg_iOS_sdk. How does it possible?
errors-after-swift.txt (187.1 KB)

It is something specific with Big Fish Game SDK, as I tried facebook SDK in an empty project and it worked fine. You could try contacting them. In the meanwhile i found something related to that specific error you had.

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Thank you for analyse! :raised_hands:
Seems like it’s exact reason why it isn’t working well. Right now is processing new build, after that if it’ll still be broken I’ll try to attach .gitattribute file in the next try.

No problems with swiftinterface file was detected, I also made gitattribute file, but it also didn’t affect. I’m attaching a file, may be you found out something else
arm64-apple-ios.private.zip (782 Bytes)

Yes, the interface file seems ok. It seems there is something with building swift files. What version of Xcode are you using?

Xcode version: 15.4
Swift version: 5.10

That sounds ok. I have no more ideas, it should be related to the package it self.

I’ve tried to reimport part of BFG SDK package on the macOS (before doing it through Windows OS) and it solved the problem :melting_face:

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