I’ve been wondering this for a while, but is there something that the external GUI systems (nGUI, ezGUI, Blind GUI, list goes on) have that UnityGUI doesn’t? I guess I really don’t see a point in getting an external GUI system when Unity has one built inside. Help me understand this. I’ve been searching for a while.
The current unity gui makes you code everything by hand - you can’t really see what your are doing, or where things are going. Plus, it is very slow. Of the external GUI systems, I’ve really only used NGui. But with NGui, you can design and see everything on the screen. Plus, you can simply attach scripts and create “OnClick” handlers (etc). You can also use Bitmapped fonts (so they have shading, gradients, outlines, etc). Plus, it supports tweening (moving, scaling, rotating) of elements very easily. And, it’s very, very fast. And in either 2D or 3D.
If your UI consists mainly of “display the score”, then perhaps you don’t need an external tool. However, I’m sure ngui can even make that look better.
Has anyone ever used Blind GUI? I don’t see a lot of people talk about this. I need to use a gui system for a 3d first person dungeon crawler.
I haven’t, but when I looked at it, it looked like you had to code it by hand, just like unity gui. Did not appeal to me. Most everyone has gone to NGUI now when they’re needs are not being met by Unity Gui. If you haven’t already, check out the examples here:
Oh, I remember those examples! As soon as I can, I’ll probably go with NGUI.