UnityHelp Comming soon! Submit your work!

So 4 months ago i purchased a domain name called www.unityhelp.info. If you visit now you will be greaten by a white page, though there is a back entrance for testers. Now, im was hoping to put help, resources, guides, tutorials, addons and prefabs in there for free.

If anyone has any tutorials, content or anything you would like to submit, let me know. Your name will be linked, and depending how this goes, have your own page. At the moment all i have is a waterfall prefab :P.

Work from unity 2.6 and unity3 are both welcome.

And how much do you earn at it?

What i was attempting to say is all the content on the site will be free.
I will earn nothing.
But if someone was to send a tutorial or something, it would be better if there is already a thread on it, and it is a free product. Its mainly for people who would like to get more of there work out there.

Adds could bring you a fortune if your site is full of unique and useful content.

Anyway back on topic. Great Idea. I hope it works.

what kinda fortune we talking about? :stuck_out_tongue:

like 50-100$? 100-500$? 500-1000$? 1000-5000$?
