UnityOpenXRHands_TryInitialize crashes

It seems like that every other time I hit the Play button, Unity crashes with the editor log callstack indicating UnityOpenXRHands_TryInitialize is the culprit. This is while playing off the Windows platform.

After launching Unity, it usually runs fine the first time I hit play, but then often crashes the second or third time I hit play. This implies that something isn’t cleaned up properly after the first time I hit play.

I’m using Unity 6000.0.12f1 using the latest versions of all packages as seen in the package manager: OpenXR (1.11.0), XR Hands (1.5.0-pre.3), XR Interaction Toolkit (3.0.5), etc.

I’ve sent in a bug report… but y’know, the squeaky wheel gets the grease and all that, so I’m posting here as well. Plus I haven’t heard back from QA on the bug report yet.


0x00007FFC1FF91AFA (UnityOpenXRHands) UnityOpenXRHands_TryInitialize
0x0000019152EF81F3 (Mono JIT Code) (wrapper managed-to-native) UnityEngine.XR.Hands.OpenXR.OpenXRHandProvider/NativeApi:TryInitialize ()
0x0000019152EF721B (Mono JIT Code) [.\Library\PackageCache\com.unity.xr.hands\Runtime\OpenXR\OpenXRHandProvider.cs:43] UnityEngine.XR.Hands.OpenXR.OpenXRHandProvider:GetHandLayout (Unity.Collections.NativeArray`1<bool>) 
0x0000019152EF3869 (Mono JIT Code) [.\Library\PackageCache\com.unity.xr.hands\Runtime\XRHandSubsystem.cs:470] UnityEngine.XR.Hands.XRHandSubsystem:OnCreate () 
0x0000019152EF310C (Mono JIT Code) UnityEngine.SubsystemsImplementation.SubsystemWithProvider`3<TSubsystem_REF, TSubsystemDescriptor_REF, TProvider_REF>:Initialize (UnityEngine.SubsystemsImplementation.SubsystemDescriptorWithProvider,UnityEngine.SubsystemsImplementation.SubsystemProvider)