UnityPro - Navigation & Colliders


I’m currently playing around with the 30 day free trial of UnityPro 3D. I’m messing around with the Navigation system, and the Nav Mesh. It seems that this system completely ignores the collider on an object, and uses its Mesh as the collider?

Basically, I have a plane shape 10 x 10, but the material I’m using on it shows a long thin plank of wood (2 x 10), so the mesh is larger than the image being displayed. Because I this, I added a box collider and change the properties so the box fits around the wood.

But this isn’t being taken into account, and it’s just using the mesh to calculate the navigation.

Am I missing something here?


It’s true, the Unity NavMesh does use MeshRenderers to determine the paths, not colliders.

To solve your issue with the partially visible wood, you can uncheck its “Navigation Static” (so it will be ignored) and place an invisible (transparent material) object (box) where you had your collider (and mark that Navigation Static). Burdensome, but would solve the problem.