Got some problem here…
I can build and install a Unity app to iphone just fine (after some HARD work…) But when I try to install UnityRemote, it builds fine, but don’t install…
“Can’t install application
The Info.plist for application at /Applications/Unity iPhone/UnityRemote/build/Release-iphoneos/Unity Remote.app specifies a CFBundleExecutable of (null), which does not exist”
I’m new to Xcode…
I have search the forum, but I’m stuck…
sounds dumb but you might not have if you have then read below
Not very helpfull but best i can think of is first do a Iphone back up on itunes this will back up your mobile provisons you will have to reinstall your apps however and then hit the “restore iphone” Button in xcode organiser
takes about five minutes and then go back to itunes it will ask if you wish to restore from last save just do that and then try and run remote from the x code editor hope that helps
I’m new to Mac. Had both devices on same wireless router, no luck. Found Airport / Create Network menu on wireless settings, which apparently makes a private network for you. Works like a charm.