Unity's Substance Designer 6 SBSAR file support

When importing a SBSAR file made through SD6, Unity is kicking off with the following:

Searching for the same error, it occurred back when SD5 released, Unity not knowing what to do with the new nodes in Substance (in my case, the text node).

Is there a fix around this issue, or should I wait for the update to come out?

I don’t know for sure(I only use the substances in Painter, never directly in Unity), but what makes the most since would be to wait. 3rd party software that uses the Substance engine has to get updated, and I’m sure this is the case with Unity as well.

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The Substance plugin is built-in for Unity. As Unity’s latest update was before Substance Designer 6 was released, the current built-in plugin won’t support Substance Designer 6 (as is the case for any version of Substance that is released); you need to wait for the next Unity version update before being able to use version 6 SBSAR files.

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Reposting here, It’s been over a month now, new patches have been released for Unity (I’ve tried both 5.5.2f1 and 5.5.2p2, still doesn’t seem like Unity is supporting the Text assets within Substance. Does anyone know when this is happening? Is it fair to assume it will finally work when Unity 5.6 comes out at the end of the month, or am I simply missing something?


We are working on the update for the Unity Substance plugin to support the SD6 engine. We don’t know exactly which version it will be available. Unity ships patches weekly so the plugin update will most likely appear in one of these patches after they have been able to test it.


Any news on SD6 compatibility?

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is there Any more news on the SD6 compatibility update?

Any news on the SD6 compatibility yet? Modo indie doesn’t support it, unity doesn’t support it. Beginning to regret upgrading.

Have the folks at UT confirmed that the update will be in a patch, rather than requiring a wait for the next major Unity upgrade?

Any news when SD6 graphs will be supported in Unity? Did anyone here try with 5.6? I’m still on 5.5.

Back on 17th March wesm (in Substance forums) said that the substance team were waiting for a unity certification to be given to the plugin before it would go live into one of Unity’s weekly patches for 5.6

Last I heard was on 22nd March, that they were working on the Plugin again and there’s no ETA. Presumably the plugin did not meet certification standards, and SD’s team are still at work on the plugin reaching minimum requirements for Unity to be willing to patch it into there latest build.

Any new news would be greatly appreciated, since it’s been a month since the last official comment I saw on this topic. I’d hope the plugin is at least in Unity’s hands right now, being verified to then be passed out in a couple weeks.


Hi guys - exact same thing - haven’t worked on my project for a few months - had to upgrade designer and now new sbar’s don’t work! Timeline on this would be appreciated


Any news???


Good morning, Substance team. I normally refrain from “me too” posts, but I’m making an exception here. I have been waiting to upgrade from SD5 to a Substance Live subscription, but there’s no need to do that while SD6 isn’t supported in Unity. This is particularly sad for me, since Allegorithmic actually implemented a feature in SD6 for which I was one of the requesting users. They added my feature, and I can’t use it. :frowning:

I understand this isn’t all under your control, but please at least update the timeline for us during the Allegorithmic/Unity collaboration process.

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Possible partial workaround: https://forum.allegorithmic.com/index.php/topic,17357.0/topicseen.html

I haven’t tried it yet, but it was suggested by one of the Allegorithmic folks.

Ah, after some searching on the Allegorithmic forums, I found this: Adobe Community

According to Wes, the plugin is awaiting action by Unity team as of 2017-05-30.


I find it rather frustrating that the Substance plugin has apparently become a neglected part of the engine. Still no 4k support in the forseeable future is bad news, and the way things are going I think I’ll have to rule out using Substances directly in my project. I’ll still make heavy use of Substance Painter (and maybe also SD) to create my textures, but I’ll have to export them to image files and write custom shaders for all potential “fancy stuff” I could have done with a proper procedural texture, like customizable paintjobs etc…

Works in Unreal Engine, which I have been thinking about switching to when starting professionally. Not that Unity isn’t good, but I’ve been curious on what Unreal has to offer. Spending 370$ on the entire substance package, it’s too frustrating it will not work in Unity. It cannot use the textures for me either except the BaseColor and Normal map.

Is there any ETA from anyone at Unity about when the latest plugin will make it into a Unity release?
As mentioned above, I gather the problems with the plugin have been resolved and it is waiting for Unity to include it in a release?

NicolasLiatti mentioned yesterday(on Allegorithmic’s Discord) that SE6 should be included in 2017.2 beta, as far as they know.