Since this is my first post I would like to greet the Unity3D community.
I found a lot of answers just by browsing through the community generated content and the atmosphere is really nice.
I am a beginner programmer. I started out with java and then found Unity3D, been having butterflies in my stomach since then.
Anyway, I’m still getting confused over unity scripting. If I understand correctly; Unity3D uses it’s own libraries, but adopted the syntax from JavaScript and C# (whichever the user feels more comfortable using). As a consequence there are a lot of subtle and not so subtle differences between using the .NET libraries in C# (let’s say while working in Visual Studio) or using the Unity3D libraries with C# syntax.
Basically the only thing C# in Unity3D scripting has common with .NET C# is syntax, am I correct?
Thank you for your time and best regards,