UnityScript Tutorial?

I’ve been looking for a straight forward all in one unity script tutrial and the documentation doesnt really help. I was wondering if anyone knew a tutorial were by the end I would be able to script my own game from scratch and know what to do. Thanks!


If you dont have any experience in programing that means that you dont have any experience in the Unity Development to. So I would recommend to you a Unity Course from the Walker Boys Studio. It is free but excellent way to learn Unity game development


Is this video not free?

All videos in their course are free, but you can not jump to the Lab videos until you have passed all 4 exams. Then you get the password for the Lab 1, after that you get password for Lab 2… All the study materials for the exams are ther, you just need to have time and be persistent. The lab projects you need to put on the web (they have tutorial for that to) so that they can see have you successfully completed all tasks. You can find all information that you need here: http://walkerboystudio.com/html/unity_training___free__.html

Here I put my Labs so you can check how all that looks: www.unity4d.vacau.com

@Stec: Thanks a lot for your info.

Hey, cool! I’m studying C++ at uni myself, so this will be a great help!

No problem, I forgot to mention that all the programing are done in the JavaScript

Some people need to be introduced to google…

What is this google you speak of?

@Stec, yeah, I knew it was in JS… pretty similar syntax to C++ so I’m not finding it too difficult :wink:

@MantaNZ, Im glad that you can work like that, but for most beginners who never work in any programing environment that would be extremely hard to do.

Oh, don’t get me wrong, it’s certainly not easy… I just meant that learning C++ has helped a LOT. Understanding for loops, arrays and whatnot… certainly makes it easier to understand JS than from with no coding knowledge (I’ve tried before, years ago - lol). Also the course I’m doing is specifically designed for game dev, so that probably helps too.

I totally agree with you, I studied the C++ for a year and because of that it is much easier to follow the tutorials, debug, etc.

Anybody else have the problem of learning JS, then when you want to code something you instantly forget the syntax, because that’s what seems to be the problem for me.

Make a “cheat sheet” that has examples of for/do/while loops, if/else blocks. making a function, declaring variables, etc. There are really just a few things – you could probably fit most on an index card because you really only need a reminder. It’s not for learning, just jogging your memory, right?

I just did a search on javascript syntax cheat sheet and found a ton of things – but most of them are serious overkill. They include stuff you’re probably never going to use in Unity.


Please don’t forget that if you google “JavaScript”, more often than not, you’ll get the wrong language. You need to make sure you are searching for Unity’s JS, also called UnityScript. If you follow a generic JavaScript tutorial, it may or may not work in Unity.

For clarity, we now teach everything in C#. If you are new to scripting and have no specific reason to learn UnityScript, I would suggest learning C#. The differences are small, but knowing the language that all of our tutorials are written in would help you a lot.