(UnityTutorial.PlayerControl) UnityTutorial.Manager is missing

I encountered problem with error

cs0246 cs(13,17) “InputManager”

and in the error

cs0234 cs(5,21) “Manager”

How can I resolve these?

using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityTutorial.Manager;

namespace UnityTutorial.PlayerControl
    public class PlayerController : MonoBehaviour
        private Rigidbody _playerRigidbody;

        private InputManager _inputManager;

        private Animator _animator;

        private bool _hasAnimator;

        private int _xVelHash;

        private int _yVelHash;

        private const float _walkSpeed = 2f;

        private const float _runSpeed = 6f;

        private void start() {
            _hasAnimator = TryGetComponent<Animator>(out _animator);
            _playerRigidbody = GetComponent<Rigidbody>();
            _inputManager = GetComponent<InputManager>();

            _xVelHash = Animator.StringToHash("X_Velocity");
            _yVelHash = Animator.StringToHash("Y_Velocity");

        private void FixedUpdate() {

        private void Move() 
            if(!_hasAnimator) return;

            float targetSpeed = InputManager.Run ? _runSpeed : _walkSpeed;
            if(_inputManager.move ==Vector2.zero ) targetSpeed = 0.1f;

            _currentVelocity.x = targetSpeed * InputManager.Move.x;
            _currentVelocity.y = targetSpeed * InputManager.Move.y;

            var xVelDifference = _currentVelocity.x - _playerRigidbody.velocity.x;

            var zVelDifference = _currentVelocity.y - _playerRigidbody.velocity.z;

            _playerRigidbody.addForce(transform.TransformVector(new Vector3(xVelDifference, 0 , zVelDifference)), ForceMode.VelocityChange);

            _animator.SetFloat(_xVelHash , _currentVelocity.x);
            _animator.SetFloat(_yVelHash , _currentVelocity.y);