UnityUsersGroup Party Wednesday Night @ Unite

It’s on…

This event is for Unite attendees, local Cali Unity enthusiasts unable to attend conference, and those who wish to rub shoulders with the next wave of leaders in online/mobile gaming.

The event is free, but you must RSVP…

Hope to see you all there,

PS - Don’t forget to sign up at http://www.UnityUsersGroup.com to receive password on the night that will truly allow you to rock on our dime.

Awesome… is it going to be like this? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TmMFnbj83CI (Conan O’Brian interviews Hunter S. Thompson)

Pretty much.

You bring the guns and ammo - we’ll provide the Anchor Steam and Crown Royal.

Consider yourself warned…


24 hrs since posting invite = 36 RSVPS…
Couldn’t be happier…
“Drink Shoot” promises to be a real Unity barnburner. Looking forward to seeing you all in SF.


Hmph, I’ll bring my own ammo and my own Pabst Blue Ribbon (hipster brew of choice y’know) and a bottle of cheap whiskey. You seem way too high-brow for me…

I kid! Anchor and Crown? I’m in! :smile:

We just arrived at Motel Del Sol in SF.
Currently polishing off my first of many pints of Steam Anchor with Bren (hipsters be damned)
Looking forward to meeting all of over the next week.
Paul arrives tonight and Glen Wednesday morning.
Noticed we just broke 50 RSVPs for “Drink Shoot” - awesome!

Just checked my glass…

…Time to order another round.


2.5 hrs left to RRSP. Looking forward to seeing you all there tonight for an after-conference drink.

That was a great party! Thanks Dimerocker!

Thanks for coming! It was our pleasure having you all come rock on our dime.
Hearing that there were over 6500 Unity downloads in last 48 hrs, next year our party at unity will be twice as big.
Thanks for hosting that Monday night event…that really got the week off to a good start.