I have question that I don’t have a definite answer.
I would like to embed UnityPlayer as ActiveX in WinForm.
It was once possible but no longer allowed.
Is there a reason why? Or has anyone figured it out how?
I can’t use UnityPlayer in browser and then embed it into WinForm because it makes two way communication between WinForm and UnityPlayer difficult(at least I don’t know how to communicate with the browser in the middle)
My trial license will expire soon and I would like to get past this state to test it further.
I’ll really appreciate if someone can shed lights upon it.
We did nothing to explicitly prevent that sort of thing, but we’re also not actively ensuring that it works as our primary focus is on the player successfully loading in the browser as a plugin or ActiveX control. Please log any bugs/problems (under the Help menu) so we can look at them for repair. But with that in mind, these are not likely to generate a hot-fix or anything like that, at best they’ll get resolved in a future build but I just don’t know what priority they’ll be given.
I wish I had a better answer, but that’s what I have to share for now.
I’d like a second request for this feature as well.
Being a .NET programmer as my profession, I can envision all kinds of great applications I could make using Unity as the 3D server behind the GUI in my apps.
DX Studio was nice in being able to do this very thing - one of their demo apps was a Real Estate or Realtor type application where you had a listing of houses with actual >fly throughs<.
I’ll try to avoid the thoughts of menu items that dangle down on chains and other silly gui tricks but it would be nice if a Windows Form could be used as a render target.
For my job I can see creating applications that display mechanical assemblies and then either for training or servicing, allow you to disassemble the part in steps.
Minevr, ok I know I can send message to Unity though browser, but how can Unity send message back to my application? I think there is no easy way to do this. Only(sensable) way I think to make two-way communication work is though tcp network but it’s too convoluted for a simple task.
I really wish Unity guys will take a look into this. It’s already there (once was) and it’s just matter fixing a bug.
yes it can. the extern eval function allows you to call a JavaScript in your website from within unity
This is, beside networking, the only way to communicate.
Unity is not a 3D SDK to plug into something, its a standalone application which in addition offers a webplugin to run within a browser, which is very different from its requirements and the “what it does and how” compared to a 3D SDK like those commonly used for comparision
dreamora, Yes I also saw javascript example, Unity talks (two-way) through the javascript.
I can call javascript from the external application but the javascript(embbeded in the browser) cannot call external function in my application written in C#.
I googled it but the answer I got was to use network.
I understand Unity is different but this is pretty often asked feature or bug fix request.
Even if we can get around using a broswer, it is pretty ugly hack, don’t you think?