UnityWebRequest.chunkedTransfer Warning


I’ve noticed that when updating RemoteConfig the following warning is now reported in the console…

Library\PackageCache\com.unity.remote-config-runtime@1.0.1\Runtime\RCUnityWebRequest.cs(46,20): warning CS0618: ‘UnityWebRequest.chunkedTransfer’ is obsolete: 'HTTP/2 and many HTTP/1.1 servers don’t support this; we recommend leaving it set to false (default).

Can’t say exactly when it started, but given that it’s the runtime maybe upon updating to 2.0.0

I’m sure you’re aware, but wanted to report anyway.

The error mentions the 1.0.1 runtime which look like the older version? Also, what version of Unity are you using?

Hi Jeff,

I’m using Unity 2019.4.19f1

Runtime 1.0.1 appears to be the latest, according to the package manager.

There is a 1.0.1-exp.2 which is maybe experimental? (this is a new Unity nomenclature to me)

The latest Remote Config package is 2.0.1, I just confirmed it shows in Unity 2019.4.1f1 too


Remote Config itself is 2.0.1 (which is what’s installed) but it’s dependant on Remote Config Runtime 1.0.1 (which is also installed) and it’s that package that the warning is referring to.

You may be right, but I’m not seeing “Remote Config Runtime” show up in Package Manager? I just updated from 2.0.0 to 2.0.1 and didn’t see any error messages nor did I see the runtime package mentioned.

That’s odd. When I upgraded to Remote Config 2.0.0 it definitely mentioned separating out the runtime into a new package…

[2.0.0-preview.1] - 2020-10-06

  • Runtime is now separate depencency

Please provide steps to reproduce with a new project. As mentioned, you may be right, but I would need steps to reproduce first, thanks.

Apologies for the late reply Jeff.

Just building the project (in this case, Win.UWP.IL2CPP) shows the warning in the console.

Got it, please provide full steps to reproduce.

Hi Jeff,

I just did, not sure what else can be added.

The warning relates to an (outdated) property on UnityWebRequest that is declared in the Remote Config Runtime.

Interface and Implementation are as follows…



/// Indicates whether the UnityWebRequest system should employ the HTTP/1.1 chunked-transfer encoding method.

bool chunkedTransfer { get; set; }



/// Indicates whether the UnityWebRequest system should employ the HTTP/1.1 chunked-transfer encoding method.

public bool chunkedTransfer
get => _unityWebRequest.chunkedTransfer;
set => chunkedTransfer = value;

I guess it implies it should not be assignable, but always return false. I’ve limited knowledge of HTTP & Webservers though, so who knows.

Anyway, just thought it best to report.

Please provide steps (for someone else) to reproduce. They should look like this:

  • Open a new project with Unity version …
  • Install components …
  • Add the following code …
  • Build to platform …