UnityWebRequest ConnectionError in 2021 LTS but not 2020 LTS, WebGL

I’m running into a weird issue, where I call UnityWebRequest, and it succeeds in 2020 LTS, but not in 2021 LTS. This is on a WebGL build. In the Unity Editor, it works fine. I’m calling the exact same url under both versions. In 2021 LTS, I get result ConnectionError.

The server is a .NET 6.0 console application.

Anyone have any ideas where I can look into this more? Or is there a known issue with 2021 LTS WebGL builds?

Always the device / runtime / browser logs, obviously.

Networking, UnityWebRequest, WWW, Postman, curl, WebAPI, etc:



And setting up a proxy can be very helpful too, in order to compare traffic:


Ah, I can always count on Kurt-Dekker’s copy and paste response to be at the ready. If it weren’t so helpful, I would otherwise find it annoying.

Thanks, I try. I am always amending my copy/pasta stuff, plus often it gets hand-modified as I post it for a particular answer.

I am always open to suggestions for how to make it more useful, so don’t be shy if you have ideas!

This is actually exactly what’s happening with my build. Has anyone else experienced this problem?