UnityWebRequest.GetTexture returns incorrect Linear or Gamma or whatever

My project uses linear space lighting. When I get a texture using:
var www = UnityWebRequest.GetTexture( filename,true);
yield return www.Send();
var tex = DownloadHandlerTexture.GetContent(www);
And assign it to a sprite the result looks like every pixel has had sqrt() applied to it. (i.e. linear/gamma correction applied)

var www = new WWW( filename);
yield return www;
var tex = new Texture2D(4,4,TextureFormat.RGB24, false,false); // Size gets overridden

Is there a way to use the more efficient UnityWebRequest to get the same results?
David Wu

This might be related to this question over here. However it’s hard to tell since we don’t even know what kind of image you’re loading.