UnityWebRequest - port not working

I have simple code in unity:

using(UnityWebRequest request = UnityWebRequest.Get("")) {
            yield return request.SendWebRequest();
            if(request.isNetworkError) {
            } else {

And Unity doesn’t call to my API on 5000 port, just 80 with apache. So, How I can set port correctly?

Thanks for help in advance.

Try using full URL, including http://

It didn’t help

Does the same URL work in browser?

Yes, in browser all work. Unity just connect to default http port - 80, but I have another port (5000). The problem occurs only in unity, everything working in browsers or Postman application.

Can you show the code with the new URL?
Also, is this in Editor or in player? Which platform?

It helped! Ty!