UnityWebRequest 'Unable to complete SSL connection' even with http


I have been getting intermittent issues with the error ‘Unable to complete SSL connection’ using UnityWebRequest and communicating with a local ASPnet server. The network functionality does work with both https and http, and we use custom certificate handling during development. This is on Unity 6000.1.16f1.

I have not encountered this error only until I am sending a large number of requests from one unity client for general load-testing. The error doesn’t occur until the number of requests sent by the instance of unity editor reaches a certain threshold, and then from that point they all failed with response code 0 - Unable to complete SSL connection.

Restarting the unity editor fixes this problem. I have also noticed that changing build profiles (which are pretty much identical) can also fix the issue.

IEnumerator GetGroupData(Action callback, RequestInfo requestInfo = null)
        string getUrl = baseUrl + "/" + groupName; // URL to retrieve the group
        if (requestInfo != null) requestInfo.url = getUrl;
        UnityWebRequest getRequest = UnityWebRequest.Get(getUrl);
        getRequest.timeout = 60;
        getRequest.certificateHandler = new CertificateHand(); // this is a custom certificate handler

        // Send the GET request and wait for the response
        yield return getRequest.SendWebRequest();

        //rest of execution....

public class CertificateHand : CertificateHandler
    protected override bool ValidateCertificate(byte[] certificateData)
        return true;

This may require changes to the server rather than unity code, but I am only getting the issue with Unity and other API tools like Postman are working fine. I am confused why SSL is even being considered with a http request also.

Thank you

This doesn’t make sense to me either. Maybe server is configured to redirect requesting to change protocol to https?

are you seeing anything in the webserver logs when it fails?

This may be the case, I am using Visual Studio to host which has a https endpoint primarily, and then a http endpoint also. When I set up the same server code on an IIS Server as purely http, this works flawlessly.