Afraid I don’t get to create a bug report as the problem occurs when running my from Unity generated UWP prosject in Visual Studio 2017. Attached is a file that will Instantiate my AssetBundle when running in test in unity 2018.1 but will not work in the generated UWP prosject in VS 2017. (Just attach the the cs file to your camera or whatever…
Script works fine in editor. It’s when you build it as a Microsoft Mixed Reality Universal Windows Program prosjekt UWP (I want to use it in a Samsung Odyssey mixed reality headset) and then loads this solution in to Visual Studio 2017 and then run it from there, that you don’t get any response from Azure and (no error codes if I remember correctly)
I think the problem is AssetBundle load. Try putting the same asset bundle to SteamingAssets and loading it using AssetBundle.LoadFromFile, I expect you’ll get the same problem.
That’s why I asked: how did you build the asset bundle?