I have a merge conflict with a single scene. I manually initiated the unityyamlmerge tool for that file but I’m getting the error:
Couldn’t locate merge tool to handle extension tmp in \my\path\to\mergespecfile.txt
I figure I just need to add a fallback tool but I don’t actually know what the tmp extension is for. I’m not sure why it’s trying to merge what appears to be a temporary file anyway. I can’t seem to ignore it though and it’s preventing me from accomplishing a clean merge.
This answer is going to be vague because this is an old-ish post and I don’t have that set up anymore. Somewhere there’s mergespec file (should be in with the unityyamlemerge.exe) and you have to specify the paths for the various tools. By default it’s just some pseudo code. That’s about as far as I can help. Take a look in that file and it should hopefully be pretty clear what needs to be changed. And like my response in #2, don’t have any typos! haha.
None of the lines in Editor\Data\Tools\mergespecfile.txt matched a program on your computer (absolute paths are required and environment variables are not supported.
For example, to open all the files in vim, use the line:
* use "C:\Users\idbrii\scoop\apps\vim-nightly\current\gvim.exe" "%d" "%b" "%l" "%r"
The * means it matches any file, so it will match tmp.
For people running into this problem in the future, a colleague of mine at work ran into this same problem, the problem was the fact that they had Plastic installed in a separate hard drive, as the doc says:
# On Windows %programs% is replaced with "C:\Program Files" and "C:\Program Files (x86)" there by resulting in two entries to try out
They had Plastic installed in their D: drive, and thus this error appeared. The solution was just to change
* use "%programs%\PlasticSCM5\client\mergetool.exe" -b=%b -s=%l -d=%r -r=%d
* use "%programs%\PlasticSCM4\client\mergetool.exe" -b=%b -s=%l -d=%r -r=%d
* use "%programs%/PlasticSCM/client/mergetool" -b=%b -s=%l -d=%r -r=%d
to the actual absolute paths where mergetool.exe was installed (this is usually inside the plastic client folder)