Universal app - Unity - 3D...help me

Ok, i’m new (i’m italian (bad english)).
i downloaded unity and i have a nice idea for a game for iOS (iPad and iPods).
i want to make it 3D. And i have some problems.

  1. Universal APP.
    i tried some proportions. i want to have only one 3d world. not 2 ones (one iPad - one iPhone).
    if i design the game for the iPad, 1024x768 then i must resize (scaling) the game and have the iPhone game but i lose some informations from the iPad screen (and that is ok for me) (~90px) —> look at the attachment.

But the problem is…i can’t scale the 3D project in Unity for different versions. i need 2 different 3Ds?

  1. Unity
    can i make all the game with unity free, make it for mac and then when is ready buy the iOS version (400€) and program only multitouch GUI and controls?

The camera view always keeps the same vertical view size. As the iPad has a different screen ratio, you lose part of the image from the side. Compensate by adjusting the Camera Size when the iPad screen is detected. I do this by as below. It can also be done by checking the device type, but this will be out of date when new models appear.

if (parseFloat(Screen.height) / parseFloat(Screen.width) >  0.7)