I’m messing with shader graph to make a simple toon shader, however I noticed that there are no shadows for point lights, at first I thought it was my mistake in the graph creation, but then I tried to create a new material witht the built in Lit Shader and still no shadows… Are these not yet supported in Univer sal Render Pipeline or there is somehack to do in the URP package hlsl files? As I did to get shadows for directional lights anyway, I had to fix a couple of lines as reported inthis Unity blog:Custom lighting in Shader Graph: Expanding your graphs in 2019 | Unity Blog
A workaround I found is to edit the
file “Packages/Lightweight
RP/ShaderLibrary/Lighting.hlsl”:Line 185:
#if !defined(_MAIN_LIGHT_SHADOWS) || defined(_RECEIVE_SHADOWS_OFF)changed to:
Anyone got a solution for this? Thank you.