Universal RP package throwing compile errors


We’ve upgraded our project from 2019 to 2020. On one machine we got following errors in the console. We’ve tried everything, reinstalling unity, reinstalling packages, switching to preview package, clearing packages cache from library folder. Still having these errors. Note on all other machines everything work as expected.

Any idea/advise?

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Well, the problem has been fixed. Looks like full Unity reinstall helped (completely removed all Unity versions from disk, reinstalled Unity hub and installed last version).

Just received the same errors. Any way of fixing this without uninstalling previous versions? Thank you.

Getting the same error…

Having this same error with the same results with the HD Render package.


I don’t know what is causing this error but it seems the problem is with a botched Unity Install from Unity Hub. I and many others on my team have all had about a 30% success rate in installing any Editor from the hub usually resulting in the ‘Something went wrong’ non verbose error message. I upgraded the project from 2020.3.10f1 to 2021.1.9f1 and this resolved the problem. Not the best solution, but a workable one. All other proposed solutions failed; including deleting the Library folder, repairing Visual Studio, modifying Visual Studio with .NET packages, as well as copying the ICSharp lib from the Unity folder.

So suggestion here is to re-install Unity via the old method, without Unity hub from the archived installs. This error happened on a fresh Win 10 Pro install, not but a few hours old.

In my case ICSharpCode.NRefactory.dll wasn’t properly cloned because of git LFS issues in srp v10.7. If the file is very small instead of ~516 KB you can download and replace it manually from here:

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