Its not really a UniWii problem, more a problem of using global variables from an c# script in an jscript.
I tried the GameObjectFind stuff but couldnt access the variables from the UniWiiCode. I basicly need a js snippet which alows me to use the C#-vars.
This is a compilation order problem: Unity - Scripting API:
Thanks alot it took me hours today, now everything works fine. Thank you so much for the great help!
I’ve the C code for the uniWii plugin, and the rest of my game is coded in JavaScript. The script of C, I placed it in the plugin folder. But I cannot access to the variables of the wiimote.
C is unaccessable through anything, plugins must be compiled and require a C# layer in between.
If you talk of C# then check if it compiled and if your js is in a valid place
Yes I was talking of C#, how can I check if its compiled and what do you mean with the C# layer
If it didn’t compile, you will find an error in the log as well as the status bar below.
As for the C# layer: that would be a C# file that connects the .NET end with an unmanaged end (bundle / dll). But if you are using a C# thats of no importance.
The JS thats meant to use it is outside the plugins folder right? Because on the same compilation step, JS does not know of C# and vice versa.
Thanks for the help.