I was making some minor changes in a script when the unity editor threw me a compilation error (code -1073741819) even though VS told me it was fine. The code looked fine so I restarted Unity and VS, entered safe mode, and the same error was there again. Being lost, I did the default thing and rebooted my PC. The compilation error warning has gone and everything works normally. I did have a minor heart attack when Unity opened up with an empty scene rather than the one I’d been working on for ages, and I feared it had been deleted
Not a very important bug, but I thought I’d report it anyway. I’m running Unity 2021.3.8f1 and VS 20221 17.3.1. I also have the Unity packages Visual Studio Code Editor 1.2.5 and Visual Studio Editor 2.0.16. All of these are up to date as of writing. The only slightly-non standard thing I did before I got the error was to rename a script with an MB in VS and have it automatically rename the first class through out. I’m guessing that might have been the root of it?
Since I’ve rebooted my PC already, I’m afraid I don’t have much more diagnostic info to provide…