Unknown SSL protocol error in connection, ios and ipad

Im getting the following error when im trying to make a WWW request to a https server:

Unknown SSL protocol error in connection

This only happens on a standalone mac and iPad build. It works in the editor and the PC standalone build. How can I solve this issue, and what is actually wrong? Why does it work on one platform and not on others.

I’m having the same issue, I use a valid Geotrust Rapid SSL certificate.

The app runs fine on Android, Mac OSX and Windows. But on the iPhone and iPad I run into an error where the devices try to connect to the server but won’t get a response. I see the correct outgoing call and no responce for 60,000 ms then the connection gets dropped. On the server side i won’t see the incomming.

I assume the server won’t give a SSL handshake back. Anyone recognize this problem?

Small update:

I also use the WWW class and connect to a https url, when i connect with a browser this url shows as a valid SSL. I checked with Charles to see all the connections and see the request of the iOS client to the root of the server (not the url submitted). But this connection does never the any response.