UNOShader UNLIT - Property toggler inside the Material Editor
This is a material editor extension that creates and toggles between shaders on the fly.
It uses shader model 2.0 as a base and it was mainly designed to be used for mobile devices.
You can toggle through these material properties:
Color | Diffuse | Decal + Tint | Reflection | Rim | Lightmap | Emission | Vertex Colors | Outlines (normal, varied width)
You can enable/disable these settings :
Backface Culling | Z Sorting | Fog
Shadows :
Enable realtime shadows and also have the ability to choose a custom shadow color
UV motion scripts:
Scroll and rotate UVs scripts are built in Material Editor UI
Render queue order:
Adjust render queue order built in Material Editor UI
Transparent master slider | transparent Edges (normal/inverted) | HDR compatible | Blend Ambient/Main directional light
— Current Version 1.3 -----------------------------------------------
Added support for 4.6 to 5.0 upgrade (read text file for instructions after upgrading)
Transparent Edges
New compact UI when toggling property creator
— Forum chat -------------------------------------------------------
Hi everyone,
I’m an artist and I have been learning programming as of late and while working in unity projects I kept writing simple shaders all the time to cover many uses. I got fed up and wanted to write a catch all UI that can toggle through shaders and thats what this tool is, hope you like it.
I know some of you have been using UNOshader and we’ve chatted through email, you have helped me make this a more polished tool and I just wanted to express a thank you! and I hope we can use this section for more of that.
Also if you don’t mind I would love to see screenshots of some of the stuff you guys are doing with it. I will be putting up my site soon and I wanted to created a gallery of users using UNOShader
Please use this space for bugs, report any problems or features you would like to see in the future.
Cheers](Unity Asset Store - The Best Assets for Game Making)