Unreal : Disable panning for 3d channel.

Hi :slight_smile: We need to use the positional channel without directional information. Is it possible to switch this channel to mono, or do we have to make a system with a non-positional / dynamic volume channel ?

Hi, can you expand on what you mean by the positional channel not having directional information? Depending on what you’re trying to do we may have some suggestions.

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If it is panning that you’re aiming to prevent, you can pass a parameter to prevent that using VivoxService.Instance.Set3DPosition with allowPanning set to false. The relevant documentation is linked below.


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Thanks for the answer. Yes, it’s a panning problem. But I forgot to mention that we are working on the vivox Unreal plugin. This function to disable panning doesn’t seem to exist. Do you have an idea? Thanks for your help.


In your calls to Set3DPosition, use a vector of [0,0,0] for listenerForwardVector, or for both listenerForwardVector and listenerUpVector. That should disable panning while keeping distance attenuation.

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