The only way that Unity can better this offer is pay to developers for use Unity.
No, but all of its “Unity Pro” features are free to use for more than 30 days without selling one of my kidneys to pay for a license. Or use some shady method.
Now I can try this thing called BluePrint and see what the fuss is about.
edit: Lets see what Unity announces.
Very sad…it means the announcement on Wednesday will be overlooked just like it was last year.
I hate the Walmarts of the world. They succeed by undercutting everyone else, and this one is getting money from some huge Chinese conglomerate.
It’s good but doesn’t affect me much as Unreal Engine doesn’t work fast on my Laptop or my MacBook Air.
And their mobile support looks dubious.
And as I mostly make stuff for mobile on my laptop…
But you know, as a fun toy to play with, its nice.
Hang on, that means that that everyone who previously paid for Unreal Engine were just financing the development of a free product… do you feel a bit cheated?
@Teila - what announcement? Is there a secret announcement?
The market is a game and this game is won by Unreal.
unreal = open sourcecode = faster development of engine = more, better updates and upgrade.
Not quite the right analogy though, it isn’t like unreal is some cheap knockoff. It would be more like nordstroms undercutting walmart…
Yeah, I think for mobile Unity is king. But there are those who don’t care for mobile.
Yes. New toys are always fun to play with.
Oh, it is so on.
This is the #1 reason I’ve dropped aside all my Unity Pro Licenses (even Unity 5 Pro) and got onboard.
Unity Tech should’ve understood that; in the very same second UE4 came around I knew how fast the engine would grow (and still growing waaayy too fast).
Well, to be fair UE4 is NOT an industry proven engine. Afaik there are almost no games out there made with UE4.
UE3 may be industry proven and battle-tested, but since UE4 is built from the ground up (for sure there are similarities between UE3 and UE4), open-source AND in an continous development I wouldn’t say it’s battle-tested.
So what you’re saying is that Unity Pro 5 will also be free? And that I can continue to leverage my C# skills?
If u make less than 3k$ per. Quarter. Per. Product - it is!
Hi fyi they actually returned me the amount of money in form of balance in my account that I have spent so far for the recent subscription. I think the balance is use for purchase marketplace assets.
5% After the first 3k per quarter to be precise. It is not 5% straight up.
Just saying
How are they making money then? Presumably some people are paying their 5%? Or are they not making money perhaps yet and this is a desperate measure? I wish I could see their finances!
@yoshirotee yeah i got some marketplace vouchers too.
Really the most costly of a software is the I+D the in the stage of maintenance and upgrading the cost are minors then for Unreal this model is fine.
it’s largely financed by big name studios buying special commercial licenses upfront as well as profits from ue3 which was pretty much a standard go-to engine
Nice, I’ll probably try it after I finish my current Unity project.
That said, more games would be made with UE4 if their fans actually work with it instead of wasting time in the Unity forums (I’ve always found that weird).
Shocking news , game dev is becoming very affordable for all people now, even with big engines. Thanks Mr Epic.
Unity stays the more easy to use, and has C# out of the box, better 2D support and plugins, better mobile support.
But Unity for big games has now a big challenger , now everyone can download UE4 engine and make a game directly
How will react Crysis with their subscription , because it don’t make lot of sense, perhaps royaltie free, but some tools on Crysis SDK requires you to pay a license.
And what will be UT5 announcement baceuse people making BIG games for desktop, a lot i feel will jump to UE4 now.