Unset tooltip titles

I made a post similar to this one a few months back but nobody looked at it and it’s buried now.
I am posting again because this is the single biggest issue I, and a few other people are having with the Unity editor on Linux.
Issue comes from the fact that tooltips and other windows don’t have their titles set.
If you print out all the active windows with, for example, hyprctl clients:

Window 59f41d1ac3e0 -> Unity - ZombiePlague - SampleScene - Windows, Mac, Linux - Unity 6 Preview (6000.0.20f1) <OpenGL 4.5>:
	mapped: 1
	hidden: 0
	at: 12,12
	size: 2541,1416
	workspace: 3 (3)
	floating: 0
	pseudo: 0
	monitor: 0
	class: Unity
	title: Unity - ZombiePlague - SampleScene - Windows, Mac, Linux - Unity 6 Preview (6000.0.20f1) <OpenGL 4.5>
	initialClass: Unity
	initialTitle: Unity - Unity 6000.0.20f1 <OpenGL 4.5>
	pid: 26464
	xwayland: 1
	pinned: 0
	fullscreen: 0
	fullscreenClient: 0
	grouped: 0
	swallowing: 0
	focusHistoryID: 1

Window 59f41b52a1d0 -> :
	mapped: 1
	hidden: 0
	at: 2092,224
	size: 300,53
	workspace: 3 (3)
	floating: 1
	pseudo: 0
	monitor: 0
	class: Unity
	initialClass: Unity
	pid: 26464
	xwayland: 1
	pinned: 0
	fullscreen: 0
	fullscreenClient: 0
	grouped: 0
	swallowing: 0
	focusHistoryID: 0

You’ll see that the Unity editor itself has the title set correctly whilst the tooltip has an empty title.
This poses a major issue that makes the editor almost unusable with window managers that have an option for focus to follow your pointer.
Pretty much ever sane person uses this feature in combination with tiling because it just makes sense.
What happens is, for example, you are dragging a prefab into a serialized field and the focus just gets stolen from the editor by the tooltip that popped up and the prefab either ends up in a random place or nowhere at all.
Here’s a video showing exactly what happens.
This could easily be solved on user’s end with a simple window rule like this:
windowrulev2 = nofocus, class:^(Unity)$, title:^(Tooltip)$
But since the title is not set, it’s simply impossible to do anything about this.
I am begging someone from the dev team to fix this because it would make our lives so much easier.

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Linking the bug report here so anybody interested can follow:

Update, it’s been added to the issue tracker:

I am closing the bug report here since it’s unnecessary.