Unsharp and underlined


I have changed to the URP Renderpipline. With the change I got big problems with TMPro. Either no text was displayed at all or it was displayed in one scene and in the next scene no text was visible.

I have now updated to 3.2.0.pre.3. Now I have text again, but two new problems.

  1. all letters are underlined
  2. the letters in the lower area are not sharp.

I have already tried to change the spacing and resolution. However, this did not bring any improvement.

Can anyone help me?


I almost forgot, I use the mobile version of TMPro for this. The normal version no longer works at all after the update. All the letters are squares.

As per the Upgrade Notes for package version 3.2.0-pre.x, the TMP Essential Resources have been updated. As such, you need to re-import the TMP Essential Resources via the “Window - TextMeshPro - Import …” menu.

Note: You are re-importing the TMP Essential Resources mostly to get the new updated shaders so in theory you could selectively only imported the shaders but re-importing everything is fine.

Totally overlooked! Thank you very much!

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