hi, i ams earching where to create my sprites but with a pincel style, no pixeled, something like photoshop ?
Not exactly sure what you are asking, are you referring to a vector based image like Illustrator?
a software for make 2d model
not pixeled like that
I would suggest looking in to a vector based design program like Adobe Illustrator.
Here is a Search for free vector based programs, I have not used any of them so cant suggest anything, but I have used illustrator and it is pretty easy to use
No matter which on you use though, it will have to be output in to a pixel based format as unity does not use vectors to render right out of the box.
The end result will be based on the pixel density of your image, starting from a vector based program will maximize your results, however.
ty i will use adobe ill
Whether you create these in Illustrator, Photoshop or anything else is up to you. Illustrator is a vector based program if you don’t know what this means, please look up the difference between pixel based images and vector based images on Google.
As soon as you are going into Unity it will all become pixel based, anyways. So even from Illustrator you have to export your images in higher resolution. Otherwise the difference beween the MegaMan sprites and the AngryBird sprites is merely the resolution. More resolution means more filesize. If you want to keep filesize low and use high resolution images maybe consider animating your objects bone based like FalloutShelter does for example.