So this year I wanted to sit down and try my hand at making a game. I’ve outlined something small and achievable I think. A single level fps game with a few weapons and enemies. Nothing super hard, but enough for me to try something neat artistically and learn unity/game programming better. I will also be taking all of the assets I create and put them up in the asset store for others to purchase and use. So here we go!
For this first update I’ll just post up some of the art that I’ve been doing during my lunches. I wanted to go with a scifi look that wouldn’t take me a long time to texture or model. So I did something really simple and basic and I sort of like how it looks.
After doing the initial pass i thought to myself I’m going to try something crazy with dark desaturated colors and gold, I’m hoping that will work but if not that’s ok I’ll be texturing everything normal for the asset store anyways.
Coding wise I have basic player movement down and a grenade and a plasma rifle started. I’m hoping next week I can focus on all of the planned weapons. Shotgun, Plasma Rifle, and a Rocket Launcher. So hopefully I can get that all done next week along with a web build! Comments, Critques, and Feedback welcome.
Thanks guys! I’ve got a bit more progress this week. I have health and armor pick ups working, my shotgun works, super hacky, and the player and enemies can die. I’ve also spent some more time on the tileset.
I got a lot of good progress this week. Weapon system is done, Player inventory is done, primitive ai has been started. Now to wrap up some weapon art and the tileset and I’ll be feeling good! Next thing though will be creating the code for the rocket launcher and the grenades then doors that open when you have key cards.
Long time no post. I had a pretty busy year but I’m getting back to this project. So far I’ve reworked the shotgun, I should have a web player demo soon of it working and I’m taking a pass at the branding / logo for the over all project/asset packs.
Hey guys, Another week by and another update! This week I wrapped up the shotgun and got it to where it will be for now. I’ve also submitted it to the asset store, so people can check it out, links to that once it goes live.
I’ve also wrapped up what was left of the player HUD, except the player taking damage, that will be done once I get enemies going!
While I was thinking of my next coding task I decided to add some flare to my simple room, so I made a bunch of crates! Everything will look flat since there is no lighting in the scene at the moment.
I have some more in progress screen shots of a few things here. I’ve got some generic fps hands made, not animated yet but they are placed statically on the shotgun.
I’ve also made the blaster and I’m working on some switches for the environment.
I have some basic AI shooting at you in the last screenshot. All of this can be seen in the webplayer build. As always feedback and critiques welcome!
I’ve got a few more tweaks from last week. I worked on making the map a bit bigger for testing. I’ve also added the doors, which have a bug but they generally work. I’m also working on the texture for the switches.
Ah, forgot to toss it up here. Web player build is a bit older. Once I get some stuff cleaned up I should have a new one up.
Yes I’m baking AO into every asset but I’m doing it from 3DS Max.
So I wrapped up the switch assets and I’ve started work on the machinegun.
I’ve also tweaked the AI a bit more and expanded the level a bit. This week I’m going to work on the doors and spawning enemies in! Webplayer has been updated with the latest.