Untiy Trees for Sale?

I am looking for trees built in/for Unity (not just the normal 3d trees), are there any products available like this (for or for sale, either or is fine). I have done a search on the forums and can’t seem to find anything. In addition I would really like to see a “nature” type pack created for Unity (if there isn’t one already) that would include trees, bushes, rocks, terrain and such.


I’d like to see those too, but that’s why I made a unity forest pack. It may or may not be what your looking for. It’s the forest pack below this post.

I agree though, it’d be nice to see unity or someone else make a true asset pack better than the one unity already made.

I have a pack of tropical trees i made some time ago to sell. But never had time to put them on the store and didnt think anyone would be interested in.

I will post some pictures shortly and if people show some interest, i may put them on the store for a fee or maybe for free.

I like to see more tree packages as well, realistic trees and as many different species as possible. Not necessarily Unity trees although that would be nice.

http://www.unity3dx.com has some nice rocks already and a forest pack coming.

I tried to stir up some interest in sharing Unity trees in this forum post, but interest wasn’t so massive. Maybe that could be revived?

Yes, I think it’s worth giving it a try.


Why not try my tropical tree pack?



I’ve been contemplating making a tree/nature pack.

Assuming one was made, what species would people prefer? Would deciduous or conifers be more appealing?

Size? Saplings or full grown? Ancient?

Also, palms aren’t trees… they’re herbs. lol

I would like to see the follow, a sparting of saplings where you think it fits, mostly full grown for all the rest and then perhaps a few ancients (oak and maple and perhaps a few conifers). List: Oak, Maple, Poplar, Aspen, Ash, Beech, Ceder, Fir, Spruce, Pine, then a few models for desert/dry areas and some shurbs. That would be my desired list. Additonally I would love to see some “farm” trees (apple, cherry, lemon, bannana etc.), these would be mostly full grown probably.


Yes, the speedtree looking trees is what I am looking for if possible.

This would be my wish list in general:

  • young, mature, old variations of all species (I guess once you have done one, the other two are easier to make)
  • proportional geometry regarding trunk and branches, if necessary trunk geometry can be less detailed if this favours the density of the branches in a realistic way.
  • branch textures with multiple branch variations, I belief some of the unity sample trees are setup this way
  • good quality textures hi res which we can scale down if necessary
  • textures for all 4 seasons
  • 2 or 3 different variations of each tree for each age

I realize all of this comes at a price, most packages are ranged somewhere around $20 to $50. I would easily pay $100 $200+ if the package justifies it. You could consider to sell an indie and commercial license where the commercial version includes all trees etc. This way everybody is happy. I myself see that people tend to go for the more expensive package.

Regarding tree species I have to look into this but if anyone of you like to pick this up, send me a PM or so and I will send photos and see if can find out what the names of these trees are. A fair amount of general trees I like to see are already mentioned by Leanthar, right now I am also interested in Olive trees for the “farm” trees, and mature Eucalyptuse trees for general trees.

Hey, I’m attempting the SpeedTree look in Unity and I think it’s looking pretty good so far. I started a new tread though, but check it out if any of you are interested. They will be available on the Asset Store soon. So far I have 3 different trees but I’ll have many more coming.

SpeedTree in Unity