So I’ve downloaded a lot of Animations ready for mecanim from the Store and all it’s working fine.
I decided to make my own model with MakeHuman and then i rigged it with Mixamo.
I then imported the Default Avatar from the animations I downloaded (it’s just a dummy model in a T-pose already skinned) and tried to make my own animations. So far so good.
What I tried is importing my animation made with Maya and HumanIK and tried to attach that to my MakeHuman model.
The animation is a simple attack animation: feet standing, hips and shoulders rotating etc…
The problem is it works correctly on the avatar I used to make the animation, but when I try to retarget it to my own model, i get some unwanted movements. To be more specific: the foot, which should be standing, slide on the terrain while the animation is playing.
My avatar is configured correctly as shown in the editor. The only thing that I’m not sure is: when I rig a model with Mixamo I get more bones than the rig on the default avatar: I get two more spine bones. Could this be the problem?
When retargeting animation with Mecanim, should the bones hierarchy and name be EXACTLY the same? If there are more bones that are not mapped in the avatar, could be a problem?
I’m fairly new to the whole retargeting stuff… So I may be doing something wrong?