Unwelcome Vertex Displacement on model

Hello everyone, I know this is must be up to vertex groups, but i got a problem that can possiblely be beyond that. A 3D model of a project im working on, has a vertex displacement on her chest, we are using mixamo animations and rigging, the poin is, even fixing that on blender the engine might no represent too well the fixes, im changing the fbx file, every animation shares the same rig and avatar (there is a possibility on of them might have been rerigged the same model). But in fact what i believe is more close to the source of the problem might be the vertex groups, besides not too sure yet. I also tried to improve it changing a few edges from shading flat/sharp, to smooth shading but seems like this werent enough to avoid this weird shading and displacement. What eles could it be?

Files attacjed, pic 1 is the problem itself on her armpits, pic 2 is the animations models we using (the player only uses one mesh and from the other models only uses the animation), pic 3 focalized the problem, 4 and 5 a break down on blender for vertex groups visualization and problem with the shading

Also, just comproved that in fact the animation is different in unity than in blender actually, they are the same mesh and the same rigging but compare their shirt distortion. Wha configo am I missing on unity side?


Are some vertices influenced by more than 4 bones, maybe?

Also check your quality settings. You can change the maximum number of bones that influence a vertex for each quality level. There is also a quality setting on the SkinnedMeshRenderer itself.

Hey it was actually the bones influence on Qualities settings indeed. It solved! Thank you very much! (Im a huge fan of ur videos on youtube) Thanks again!

Glad it helped.
I’m not the guy on youtube, though. That’s a different code monkey :wink:

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