Update a custom property photon

How can I update a property already existing in Photon?
Let’s say inside PlayerLives I already have a number (let’s say the player has as the moment 2 lives), and in the following function I want to increase it with 1:

public void update_lives()
    PunHashtable _myCustomProperties = new PunHashtable();
    int x = (int)PhotonNetwork.LocalPlayer.CustomProperties["PlayerLives"]; // this is 2
    _myCustomProperties.Add("PlayerLives", x++);

    if (PhotonNetwork.LocalPlayer.CustomProperties.ContainsKey("PlayerLives"))
        int updated = (int)PhotonNetwork.LocalPlayer.CustomProperties["PlayerLives"];
        print("AHOI " + updated); **// this is still 2 as the previous value**

Why isn’t the value updated?

I also tried setting the custom property to null and then re-assign:

public void update_lives()
    PunHashtable _myCustomProperties = new PunHashtable();
    int x = (int)PhotonNetwork.LocalPlayer.CustomProperties["PlayerLives"];
     _myCustomProperties.Add("PlayerLives", null);
    _myCustomProperties.Add("PlayerLives", x++);

    if (PhotonNetwork.LocalPlayer.CustomProperties.ContainsKey("PlayerLives"))
        int updated = (int)PhotonNetwork.LocalPlayer.CustomProperties["PlayerLives"];
        print("AHOI " + updated);

but in this case I get the error

Exception in callback: System.Reflection.TargetInvocationException: Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation. —> System.ArgumentException: An item with the same key has already been added. Key: PlayerLives

How can I update the custom property the right way? Thank you for your time!

There are a few issues here:

Regarding the Exception:

if the key “PlayerLives” already exists already in the Hashtable (or Dictionary) then you can’t add it again so just replace its value using:

_myCustomProperties["PlayerLives"] = x++;

But in your case why do you need to add the null value first?
Just add or set the property once using the value you need.