Update about the future of the Unity Forums and Unity Discussions

I just tried a few different discourse forums on my phones, for example: https://discuss.elastic.co/

Unfortunately I find them impossible to navigate, and the main reason is the huge font size. While on unity forums I can see 5 categories, on elastic I’m struggling to see 1 forum category.

I guess if unity could reduce the font size by 2x or 3x or allow zooming out, it would be more bearable

Also again in large forums on elastic everything starts to stutter once you scroll all the way down

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First Playfab moved their forums to Discord, now Unity does this, what’s up with that trend of preferring fancy looks over practicality. At least discussions gonna be indexed by google.

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Discord is not the same as Discourse, Unity is switching to the second.


Obviously, never implied that*.

It was mostly a complain about the trend of executives pushing for meaningless changes and preferring fancy looking solutions over practical ones, especially in the context of developer cycles.

Anyway it was a zero value complain that had to take out of my system.

*Hence the sentence about google indexing being possible in Unity Discussions (discourse).

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Your wording wasn’t very clear for me either.

In my opinion this explanation is bogus because the open source communities are running the same software and they’re not being led by management that has never had experience working with or developing their software.

I’d argue the issue with the open source communities is that they have never once considered user experience and accessibility of information and this is clear the moment you look at the interfaces they design and the documentation they write.


Right, I just think the idea that it’s somehow the executives deciding that they like the software isn’t accurate, but rather the web team lead likes the software (and may even be using it with their own projects).

A man can’t complain in peace any more…

Fair, overall I attribute it to hype and trends where what is more “cool” wins over what is more functional, which seems to happen alot lately. Unfortunately that affects technical leads and non-technical ones with the same effect, ending up forcing a non optimum solution to a problem that in a lot of cases didn’t need fixing in the first place.

I’ll concede that I am an “old” grump that don’t likes change.


The new platform is JUNK! Abort!


ChatGPT turned it into an acronym: “Junkyard of Unsorted, Non-paginated Knowledge”. :stuck_out_tongue:


The countdown to destruction begins…


hope they improve the discussion UI, these forums are better imho.


The forum is better. And discussions are another attempt to imitate something.


Don’t do it. You are making a grave mistake.

The issue here isn’t change. The issue is that the Discussions UX is terrible. Your users are warning you loudly, and instead, you are making a decision with fiat—when has that worked for you?


I swear these meetings are, “What else can we do to make Unity customers more annoyed and ready to migrate to another engine instead of tackling the major issues and concerns of a large portion of our base? First up, lets charge on per-install to start and go from there!”


I know this isn’t the reason, but I’m sure it’s not helping.

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Game Maker and Torque are about the only engines remaining on a traditional forum.

Speaking of which buying out Unity is now very cheap.


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Get that modernized logic out of here!

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And yet no one’s doing it.

Let’s hope Microsoft buys it soon. They have the necessary know-how to restructure Unity and focus on more important things, such as bugfixes.