Update Bug

Hi there, I’m trying to constantly show a debug.log of a health of a gameobject, but the update function is only called once and not every frame, do you know why?

 void Update()  // only being called once, why?
        Debug.Log(Hitpoints);    // only shows up once at the start 
        if (Hitpoints <= MaxHitPoints / 2) // doesn't show up 

When it stops, go look in your scene: is the object still there, active and the script still enabled?

Also, check that the editor didn’t get paused because of an error. If so, restart the editor, fix the error.

I tried what you said, the scripts are loaded, the game object isn’t turned off, and the editor isn’t paused either because the player and other scripts also work fine, I also didn’t find any errors in the console. Interestingly, I created an another script, this one’s update function doesn’t work as well!! Please HELP !

using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;

public class BlightWarden : MonoBehaviour
    private BlightBehaviours blightBehaviours;
    private bool CallAbility = true;
    public float AbilityCoolDown;

    public GameObject DroidHanger1;
    public GameObject DroidHanger2;
    public GameObject DroidHanger3;
    public GameObject DroidHanger4;
    private float AbilityPhase =1f;
    private float WardenHealth;
    void Start()
        blightBehaviours = this.gameObject.GetComponent<BlightBehaviours>();

    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update()
        WardenHealth = blightBehaviours.Hitpoints;
        Debug.Log("Warden Health" +WardenHealth) ;  // not being called either??!!!
        if(WardenHealth<= 10 && CallAbility == true)
            Debug.Log("Ablility Called");
            CallAbility = false;
    void ShadowRemake()
        if (AbilityPhase == 1)
        else if( AbilityPhase == 2)
        else if(AbilityPhase == 3)
        else if(AbilityPhase == 4)

    private IEnumerator ShadowRemakeCoolDown()
        yield return new WaitForSeconds(AbilityCoolDown);


I tried what you said, the scripts are loaded, the game object isn’t turned off, and the editor isn’t paused either because the player and other scripts also work fine, I also didn’t find any errors in the console. Interestingly, I created an another script, this one’s update function doesn’t work as well!! Please HELP !

using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
public class BlightWarden : MonoBehaviour
    private BlightBehaviours blightBehaviours;
    private bool CallAbility = true;
    public float AbilityCoolDown;
    public GameObject DroidHanger1;
    public GameObject DroidHanger2;
    public GameObject DroidHanger3;
    public GameObject DroidHanger4;
    private float AbilityPhase =1f;
    private float WardenHealth;
    void Start()
        blightBehaviours = this.gameObject.GetComponent<BlightBehaviours>();
    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update()
        WardenHealth = blightBehaviours.Hitpoints;
        Debug.Log("Warden Health" +WardenHealth) ;  // not being called either??!!!
        if(WardenHealth<= 10 && CallAbility == true)
            Debug.Log("Ablility Called");
            CallAbility = false;
    void ShadowRemake()
        if (AbilityPhase == 1)
        else if( AbilityPhase == 2)
        else if(AbilityPhase == 3)
        else if(AbilityPhase == 4)
    private IEnumerator ShadowRemakeCoolDown()
        yield return new WaitForSeconds(AbilityCoolDown);

In your BlightWarden, what happens if you put a Debug.Log() right BEFORE line 22, first thing in Update()?

Are you sure there’s no runtime errors?

Make sure your log console selector buttons are enabled. See this graphic:

I have added the debug.log at the beginning and it still doesn’t show up more than once at the beginning. I have tripled checked all the things you said, and they are normal. The update still doesn’t work. Should i submit a bug report?

I also tried creating a new script with only a debug.log and this one only shows up only once as well. This has been happening to every script I have created after 6/22/2021. I think it may be a bug.

using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;

public class Test : MonoBehaviour
    // Start is called before the first frame update
    void Start()

    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update()
        Debug.Log("Hello World");  // still only called once for some reason

Look closely at your log window. There is a COLLAPSE button at the top that you have enabled.