i am building my 3d game’s camera and i am trying to script my own camera script.
i have a character and a camera where character is not the parent of the camera.
(i.e. they are separated so that the camera will not follow the character rotation when moving )
in the image, the center is the character, the cross is the camera and the arrow is the facing of character.
- at the beginning, camera is 10 unit behind the character.
- camera rotate clock-wisely( or anti clockwise), calculate the distance on x and z for re-positioning.
- the character can move freely(360 degree movement) and camera have to following it.
I am really weak in calculating sin cos and fail in calculating the distance, could anyone help on the calculatedistance() function?
public Transform target; //character's transform
float xdistance = 10;
float zdistance = 0;
function Update(){
transform.position.y = target.position.y;
calculatedistance(target.transform, this.transform);
transform.position.x = target.position.x - xdistance;
transform.position.z = target.position.z - zdistance;